Blissfully Blindsided by Robin Alexander
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
2.5 rounded up
I’m a big fan of Robin Alexander’s books but this one just didn’t do it for me. I mean, I laughed a bunch during the first few chapters but after that, I could only muster a chuckle now and then.
There was so much restating of information between characters – many times the same characters sharing the same thing more than once or twice – and the same phrases “attractive and interesting” I think was one of them, that I found myself getting annoyed. And there were typos. Mostly there were several things that combined to make this not the experience I was hoping for.
Will I stop reading Alexander’s books? Hell no! I love her sense of humor and not every book by an author I like will make me all warm and fuzzy inside. As a matter of fact, I’ve already got another of her books in mind.