I usually put my thoughts about sequels in the comments of the review of the first book in a series but I didn’t want anyone to miss this. I knocked this one out in about a day. Nearly left work early feigning illness just so I could keep reading all afternoon.
This is the second in the Garoul series – our new favorite family of werewolves. Yes, I know the supernatural/vampire/werewolf thing has really been done a lot lately but I really like this series. Where Goldenseal was more mystery and angsty romance (but still humorous at times,) Ambereye is much more romantic comedy. There are some more serious issues touched upon but, really, it’s classic McKnight but with her more mature story telling style that I’m very much enjoying.
This episode focuses on Jolie, one of the characters briefly mentioned in Goldenseal, who, along with her twin brother Andre, run the Garoul’s software company, Ambereye, and Hope Glassy. Hope is a long time friend of Andre and his partner, Godfrey. She’s also Andre’s Personal Assistant at Ambereye. But she’s been reassigned to Jolie, at least temporarily, to help out on a major project. Hope is professional and nice and well liked and Jolie is feared and volatile and, well, sometimes scary. McKnight really brings the chemistry out in this couple – sparks are flying right from the start. Not necessarily sexual sparks, but sparks, nonetheless.
You can read the synopsis by following the link in the title of the review if you want more on the plot. I enjoyed this one even more than Goldenseal and knew I shouldn’t have read the sneak peek of Indigo Moon included at the end of the book. I’m an immediate gratification sort of girl! Dammit!