Finding Sky by Cass Sellars
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
When I was looking at the latest offerings from BSB available for review, I noted that most of the covers had some variation of white, trim women gracing them. I’m not a fan of actual people on covers, particularly when I can see that it’s going to be another book featuring white women. So I went for Finding Sky first. Not saying I didn’t nab others but this is the one I decided on first. Also, this book features romantic relationships between white women…
Okay, on to the story! Being a workplace romance, I expected that once things got rolling, there would be only a quick mention of what a bad idea it is to sleep with the boss. How pleased was I when it was brought up several times and with good examples of why it’s a bad idea? Very! I liked Jess and didn’t think she’d be an asshole if a relationship didn’t work out but still. It felt more believable that Skylar was seriously concerned about her future. I liked her more for that.
This book wasn’t just about love and figuring out how to have a relationship with the owner of the company. There’s a little mystery happening, too. I say little because it was glaringly obvious who was doing the bad thing. I will admit, though, that there’s a twist in there that I didn’t see coming and laughed out loud at the reveal because I had been gotten. Good job on the author!
This is my first book by Cass Sellars but I would absolutely read another.
Oh, so you’re probably wondering why I only gave this three stars if I had a pretty good time reading it. Well, I would rate this one 3.5 and I normally would have rounded up to a 4 except for the POV switching back and forth several times within a scene. It’s one of the things that will yank me out of a story and I dislike it strongly. How can I connect with a POV character and totally live in their head to experience what they’re living through if I’m pulled out and dropped into someone else’s thoughts and feelings? I can’t. Others can, and that’s great for them, but I can’t. So that’s why I decided on going a solid 3 stars.
A big thanks to Netgalley and BSB for the opportunity to read a new-to-me author!