Same Old Lang Syne by Lyn27

Anybody that is familiar with the Dan Fogelberg song “Same Old Lang Syne” (and if you’re not I would suggest seeking out a version on You Tube) will know it tells a story in the lyrics of regret when two ex-lovers meet many years later. Remembering what once was, what could have been and, maybe, what should have been. How things don’t always turn out how you expected. It’s emotionally poignant in an almost understated way, and Lyn27 uses the song’s premise as a backdrop to great effect in this Nikki and Helen Bad Girls story.Same Old Lang Syne is about regret, sacrifice and, above all, hope. Hope given to one ex-con, by the woman she had loved, who still keeps that hope alive every Christmas, birthday and other significant ‘anniversaries’. Nikki holds on to that hope like a life raft.

But why would she, if she has Helen in her life? The answer is simple. She doesn’t have Helen.

That’s because in Lyn27’s story, Helen married Thomas Waugh. A man who didn’t turn out to be the man she thought and a man she didn’t really love. So why did Helen marry him? We already know that Helen Stewart was a very principled character and couldn’t marry Sean for the same reason, so why would she even consider this path? Why would she be so willing to sacrifice her love for Nikki and walk away?

I’m not going to give the plot away! That’s for you to find out. But suffice it to say, a chance meeting Christmas Eve between Nikki and Helen sets in motion a glimmer of hope for Helen, that the biggest regret she has, can finally be mended.

Lyn27’s characterizations of Nikki and Helen are wonderfully executed, and this story feels like a play; one you could imagine sitting in a theatre watching, as the acts are played out. It’s not a long story, only 9 (longish) chapters in all, but it feels ‘big’. The dialogue is excellent and the emotional level is just right. As always with Lyn27, it’s evident she loves writing for these two characters and with every story she pens, her ability to do so gets stronger, and she delivers a very polished piece here.

A highly recommended read, in my opinion! You can read Same Old Lang Syne, on the Bad Girls Riot board, under the Chateau Larkhall section. You need to register for the board but it’s well worth it!

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