The Deal M. Ryan

LGBT, DINK, IGLHRC, ILGA, AGLBIC ….no I didn’t make any of these abbreviations up they are all quit legit ! So is ABC, CNN, NBC, PBS, CBS and if you work in the world of TV you got to know your acronyms and abbreviations by heart – at least if you work State sides.

Laura Kasdan does know her way around the world of TV as she is currently the News Director of KDAL in Dallas, an upmarket TV station. Laura, or Kaz as she is called, is the young “hot star” of the news world able to deliver the ratings that management requires. Then something happens – the primadonna of the newsroom go and grab her ass which in return lands him with a bloodied nose and guess what – the tree gets shaken and Laura ends up with the job as News Director at the middle market WBFC in Burkett Falls – talk about injustice!

WBFC is a station in trouble, with ratings going down and revenue dwindling, but with the good looking six feet of blue eyed help riding in on the plane from Dallas, things are looking up for the station and for the accident prone reporter and news anchor Chris Hanson, who in return will turn Laura’s world up side down.

Chris is – if you are wondering – the green eyed blond that we need to move the story from newsroom drama to classic alt romance. Chris is good on the screen, which is something that Laura realize almost immediately, but Chris is so much more than just talent, she is outgoing, friendly and she has an eye for a good looking woman, but that’s not something that you advertise in an industry with moral clauses in the contracts. Even though Chris is already good, Laura can make her better, and she might just be what Chris needs to make it to the networks ….. and in other aspects of life.

But there is more to Laura than The News, she has a real passion in life – golf – and as a former U.S. Amateur golf champion for two consecutive years she is working hard to get enough tee time to see her through the qualifications to the tournament once again.

“The Deal” is an excellent story with great dialogue, an imaginative and broad storyline, well developed characters and a slow moving love story – with that natural flow that I like! What more could you possibly want – this is Uber when it’s at its best! So let your hair down, grab a hot drink and settle down – this is a story well worth your reading time.

Sadly enough “The Deal” is the only novel length story that M(aggie) Ryan seems to have posted or published (Justice House Publishing 2001). A sequel was started years ago but never finished – if you are prepared to be left hanging look up “Shell Game” and if you really really, really need just a little bit of extra time with Laura and Chris you can look up the vignette “Seventeen Minutes”.

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