A Long Time Coming by Cate Swannell

Sarah Morgan is a psychotherapist who works for courts, assessing the responsibility of people about to be convicted, and she also attends to clients who need her help.

Shelby Macrossan is a stage manager with a local theatre, and she is a tenant in Sarah’s house because Sarah doesn’t need all that room since her husband’s death.

Their history goes back far longer than that, though: Shelby had been Sarah’s client, but back then this relationship did not allow a closer personal association.

The story takes a few jumps back in time to events that influenced the current situation, but the author indicates such jumps clearly, avoiding to bewilder the reader. It also shows the mind set of a therapist at work, and, while I am in no way qualified to gauge how realistic that is, it is done very convincingly.

A romance develops between Sarah and Shelby, and although some of the usual misunderstandings are thrown their way, thankfully the authoress does not dwell on them too long.

There is no fairy-tale ending. Alas? No, it is happy nonetheless, and it makes much more sense than “happy ever after”. A comment on the authoress’s home page sums it up pretty well: “Loved and hated the ending.” Very well worth reading, a solid eight out of ten.



  1. groovy, thanks for the review. 🙂 … by the way, ALTC will be published in early 2011 by Regal Crest Enterprises. what's up at my website is the first draft.

  2. You're very welcome, and you beat me to notifying you of it 🙂 Congrats for the publishing!


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